1. Girls...How troublesome...

It was a beautiful and sunny day at Konoha. Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji and Sakura were in a mission with Sir Kakashi. They were going to the Hidden Waterfall Village to rescue a ninja from the certain criminals in the village. They were running and jumping from branch to branch to reach the village and do a quick retrieval of the ninja. When they reached the village, 'Neji...We need to search for the hideout...' commanded Sir Kakashi, 'Yes, sir!' Neji nodded. Neji perfomed a hand seal and shouted, 'BYAKUGAN' after a minute Neji reported, 'Sir, I could see a suspicious place 34 degrees west from here... and it is covered with suspicious seals...' 'Very well...Now we need to go nearer and investigate...' everybody nodded. All of them positioned around the place and started to observe. Minutes passed, All of them returned to Sir Kakashi and reported. Naruto goes first, 'I saw alot of explosions... everywhere!' Sir Kakashi nodded. Sakura is next, 'I think this place is guarded with 20 or more ninjas all around...' Sir Kakashi nodded. Neji's next, 'I saw alot of traps within the territory...inside and outside...' Sir Kakashi nodded. Shikamaru's next, 'All the entrances are closed and covered with seals that, I'm afraid, are the complicated ones...' Sir Kakashi stood up and said, 'Now...Naruto, Neji and Sakura would be together while, Me and Shikamaru are together okay? We need to retrieve this ninja! I need all of you to put on these radios... Go team!' Sir Kakashi reached his bag and handed each one a radio... raised his hand and they were on their way to rescuing this ninja.
After a few minutes, Sir Kakashi recieved a message from Neji, '*tshhk* Neji to Sir Kakashi...We are inside now... and we are on our way to find the room where the ninja is located...' Kakashi nodded and replied, '*tshhk* Kakashi to Neji... Good...Now be careful not to activate the traps...' All of them continued what they were doing. Outside, Shikamaru and Sir Kakashi was on a fight with the guards. Sir Kakashi didn't bother to use his sharingan, he was told not to use it for now, he perforemed hand seals and attacked the enemies. Shikamaru did the same thing, performed techniques and attacking them. After their fight, '*tshhk* Shikamaru to Naruto... Were are you now?' Naruto replied, 'We are having- *crash* a fight in- AWWW!!* here!' then the radio went rainy and stopped. Shikamaru told Sir Kakashi and they followed. Inside, Neji was unconcious and Sakura was healing him. Naruto ,with his Kagebunshin, were going to use the rasengan on the enemy. The kagebunshin faded and Naruto started to run towards the enemy. When he was near the enemy, he shouted, 'RASENGAN!' and hit the enemy on the stomach. The enemy spitted blood and flew back and hit the wall behind him hard. Naruto gasp for air and looked at the Sir Kakashi and Shikamaru who was rushing towards them. He walked towards Sakura and Neji and said, 'Woah! That was wicked!' Sakura smiled at him and continued what she was doing. Sir Kakashi and Shikamaru grabbed Naruto and they rushed to the door that was infront of them. They entered. Inside, they saw a figure of a person sitting down on a chair and was roped. They were about to approach the figure when an enemy appeared in front of them. 'I'll be taking care of this...Shikamaru! Naruto! GET HER!' Sir Kakashi commanded. Shikamaru and Naruto shared confused faces. They looked back at the figure and rushed towards it. When they reached the place where the ninja was roped, they hurried to entangle the ninja. When it was done, Sir Kakashi already defeated the enemy and was walking towards them. Shikamaru and Naruto carried the body and went out. Sakur aand Neji were waiting outside and was waiting for them. When they reached Sakura and Neji, she gestured to put down the body infront of her. She started to look at the body and asked, 'Sir Kakashi...A girl?' Sir Kakashi nodded and said, 'That's why I got you... you are a medical ninja and you are a girl like her...' he winked and Sakura nodded. She was about to unwrap the girl's outfit when she slapped Shikamaru, Neji and Naruto at the same time. Naruto exclaimed, 'WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!' Sakura raised her palm and said, 'Do you want this? no? Then Leave!' Neji and Shikamaru stood up and walked away. Naruto remained and was glaring at Sakura, 'THAT HURTS! WHAT'S WRONG ABOUT LOOKING AT HER?' Sakura stood up and shouted, 'PERVERT BASTARD! I'M TRYING TO DO MY WORK HERE!! I'M GOING TO UNWRAP HER, IDIOT!NOW GO AWAY!!' Naruto walked away and joined the others. Sir Kakashi, Neji and Shikamaru were eating their snacks when Naruto came. 'So...How was the punch?' Sir Kakashi joked. 'I wasn't punched!' answered Naruto woth temper and sat beside Shikamaru. 'You should already know that Naruto...' Neji explained. 'What about it?!' Naruto demanded. 'Now Naruto...You know girls...Wierd and hard to understand...deal with it!' Shikamaru said giving Naruto a piece of what they were eating. 'Well! Fine!' Naruto exclaimed and bit a big part of the snack. 'Naruto...What if you had a sister?' asked Neji. When Naruto heard this ,he choked and he grabbed his tea and drank a large amount to push the stuck food in his throat. 'A WHAT?!' Naruto exclaimed. 'A sister...' Neji repeated. Naruto laughed and answered, 'Me? Having a sister?! Now Neji...I don't even know who my parents are!' Neji looked at Naruto and said, 'I said... IF EVER you had a sister...Not if you REALLY have a sister!' he glared at Naruto and drank his tea. Naruto looked at him and said, 'A disaster! I don't even like girls!' Neji looked at him and shook his head. 'Neji...Don't tell us that you LIKE girls?!' Naruto exclaimed. Neji turned red and shouted, 'I DO NOT!' 'YOU'RE BLUSHING!!' exclaimed Naruto. Neji turned redder,he stood up and shouted, 'WHAT'S WRONG IF YOU ARE DATING A GIRL?!' Naruto looked at Neji with a grin, Shikamaru and Sir Kakashi were both looked shocked with their mouths open. Neji sat back and drank his tea. Naruto stood up and exclaimed, 'NEJI HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!' over and over again. Neji covered his head with his hands. Naruto didn't stopped saying these words...over and over agian. 'NEJI HAS A GIRL-' but before he could complete his tease to Neji, he recieved a hard slap on the head...from Sakura. Naruto looked at Sakura and shouted, 'WHAT'S WRONG WITH-' Sakura delivered a punch to Naruto's stomach which made him to hit hard on a tree about 1 meter away from the place. Sakura shouted, 'DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T HEAR WHAT YOU WERE SAYING?! YOU ARE TOTALLY AN IDIOT!' Naruto ran towards Sakura... he was about to punch her but she was carrying a huge boulder and she was about to throw it to Naruto when he exclaimed, 'OKAY OKAY! YOU WON! FINE!' Sakura dropped the boulder and sat down. Naruto sat back down next to Neji who was glaring at him. Sakura waved at her back and she was smiling. 'Don't be shy...Come here...' she gestured behind her like she was calling someone. Naruto looked confused and demanded, 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SAKURA?? CALLING A DOG?' Sakura looked at him with a glare and said, 'SHUT UP, IDIOT!' she looked back. Naruto stood up and shouted, 'WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU SAKURA THERE IS NO---GIRL?!' his mouth fell when he saw a girl standing shyly infront of them. Sakura told the girl to join them in eating. The girl sat down, Naruto sat down. Neji whispered to Naruto as soon as he sat down, 'A girl...You see?!' and he laughed. Naruto just became silent. Sakura looked at Sir Kakashi and said, 'You guys...also you..Idiot...' she looked at Naruto who was not paying attention '...This is Kinichi Hisa, She's a ninja from the earth country that was travelling to look for her brother...unfortunately...she was captured by those criminals and was held for 1 month...' Hisa smiled at them and said, 'Nice to meet you...Thank you for rescuing me...' her voice was dreamy and nice. Shikamaru and Neji was looking at her and were smiling. Naruto remained silent. Sakura introduced Hisa to them, when she reached Naruto she said, 'Oh! and that wierdo over there is Uzumaki Naruto...you wouldn't like him...I'm serious...He is such an idiot!' Hisa giggled. Naruto looked at Sakura and said, 'Fine!' and grabbed his bag and walked away from them. The others didn't mind if Naruto went away.
Naruto sat on a branch of a tree and was looking up. 'What's up with girls anyway?! They are just pain in the ass!' He looked back at the others, they were having fun together with Hisa. Naruto sighed. He started to hear Neji's question repeating over and over again in his head, '
What if you have a sister?' He was bothered by these words and he can't rest. Minutes passed, Sir Kakashi threw a kunai, that landed near Naruto's face. NAruto dropped and he shouted, 'SIR KAKASHI! WHAT THE HELL??' Sir Kakashi said, 'We are going...' NAruto looked at the others his sight stopped at Hisa. Then he demanded, 'SHE is coming?! OH COME ON!!' Sakura slapped Naruto and said, 'What's the problem with you?? You really are an IDIOT!! LET'S GO!' Naruto frowned and followed them until they reached Konoha.
Entry @ 1:49 AM;
Friday, June 02, 2006