"Happy Ending"

Konoha was in a blooming state that morning. Everybody was doing fine, even our lovebirds Naruto and Hinata. All of them were in their usual training. Naruto was with Sir Kakashi and Sakura. Hinata was with Kiba, Shino and Kurenai.
During the training, Sir Kakashi and Sakura were asking Naruto, over and over and over again, about his relationship with Hinata. 'Come on, Naruto!' Sakura exclaimed. 'I'm ordering you to speak, Naruto! I'm your sensei!' Kakashi said. Naruto just looked at them and said, 'You two are too nosey!' Sir Kakashi and Sakura didn't stopped asking Naruto which made him to stand up and exclaim, 'I HATE NOSEY PEOPLE LIKE YOU TWO!' Silence fell. Naruto took a deep breath and said, 'I'm sorry...It's just-' 'We know...We are getting too nosey about you and Hinata's relationship...' Sakura said. 'We should shut up now.' added Kakashi. Naruto laughed and they all laughed. They continued their training and managed to finish what Sir Kakashi wants them to do.
In Hinata's training everybody was concentrating on what they were doing. They were practising avoiding on-air kunais and shurikens. Hinata managed to pass 29 but failed to avoid the last shuriken and got hurt. She had a deep cut on her arm. Miss Kurenai and her teammates rushed to her. 'Hinata! Are you alright?' yelled Kurenai from the distance. 'Hang on!' Exclaimed Kiba. Shino reached the destination of Hinata first. 'I'm okay...But the cut's swelling...' Hinata explained with deep breaths. 'Hinata this won't hurt a bit...' Miss Kurenai applied a little bit of alcohol on Hinata's cut and wrapped it with a clean piece of cloth. 'We shall end this training for now, Hinata needs to rest... Her cut might open up and bleeds more if we continue... You're dismissed.' Kurenai helped Hinata to stand up and told her, 'Be careful the next time we are going to do that okay?' Hinata nodded and walked home.
The day was exhausting but still was fun. Naruto was hungry, he decided to go for a bowl of hot ramen before going to sleep. He went out and walked his way to the ramen stand. He reached the place and ordered. While he was eating, somebody touched his back and said, 'Hi...' Naruto held the hand that had touched him and said, 'Hi...Hinata...' Hinata sat down beside Naruto and smiled at him. Naruto ordered another ramen for Hinata and asked, 'How's the training?' Naruto faced his ramen again and continued gobbling up the noodles then answered, 'It's fine... But Sakura and Sir Kakashi always bug me with the things they knew about us...' he laughed then continued, 'It's no biggy!' She smiled at her and said, 'I got cu-' but before she could complete what she was about to say, Naruto rushed to hold her hand and pulling it towards him and exclaiming, 'YOU'RE WOUNDED?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!' Hinata pulled her hand back and said, 'I'm okay now... I just got back from the hospital...' Naruto looked at her and asked, 'Where's the cut?' Hinata pulled back her sleeve and showed Naruto her wound. Naruto's eyes widened. 'WOAH! That's quite DEEP one!' they laughed.
After eating, Naruto asked Hinata if she can walk with him. Hinata answered, 'Of course...Why not... Where are we going?' Naruto didn't answer but he has a smile on his face. Hinata followed Naruto, who was holding her hand. Naruto continued walking without stopping. When they reached the place, Hinata's eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face. The view was great. The moon was nested gracefully and silently between two majestic mountains. Naruto looked at Hinata and saw her gazing at the view, he looked back at the moon and said, 'I want you to see that view with me tonight...because-' but before he could complete was he was about to say Hinata hugged him and said, 'Thank you...Naruto...' Naruto enclosed Hinata in his warm hug and continued what he was saying, '...before I leave tomorrow for my mission with Sakura and Sir Kakashi... I hope you like it...' Hinata hugged Naruto tighter and tears where falling down her cheeks, 'Good luck... I don't like it...' she looked back at Naruto and said, '...I love it...' Naruto looked at her. The moon was bright that night, Naruto looked directly at Hinata's eyes and said,
As the cool breeze passed-by them, Naruto leeaned closer to Hinata, Hinata closed her eyes.
"The night was bright and cool... Beside the beautiful moon looking at them, Naruto and Hinata, a sight to behold... two lovers... dreaming of the best for the both of them... Kissing under a very majestic and gentle shinning light of the moon... Hoping that both of them would always be by each others side and Heart..."
The End
Thank you for reading this story I made!! Hope you loved it!! It's buh-bye for Naruto and Hinata's story...hehehe!!
*Watch out for new and exciting instalments and stories!! :-)*
Entry @ 8:59 PM;
Sunday, May 14, 2006