-~-It's been a long time-~-
Woah... I just opened my blogger account... And I happened to thought of how long I didn't opened my account here... It's been a pretty long time... More than 3 months I guess... Great! Now I need to edit my blog again!! Yea!! I hope that I would have the time and effort to open this account of mine... hehehe...
I also read the stuffs here in my blog... Woow... My oldest long story... or let's just call it my own fanfic... hehehe... I'm making a new one... But I'm still that lazy to continue doing it... "Nice one, Anna..." well, I hope!! that I would open this account again! hehehe...
Well, That's all.... MWAHUGSZ!!
Entry @ 3:57 AM;
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Chapter 1
It was a sunny and delightful day in Konoha, everybody were busy doing their normal stuffs almost everyday of their lives. Naruto and Sakura were having a chat, “I don’t think so…” doubtfully answered Naruto. “Well, I guess Master Tsunade wouldn’t let me go…” Sakura bowed her head. There was silence, then, “Sakura…are you that desperate to visit your friend?” asked Naruto looking up. “Well, if ever Master Tsunade allowed me to skip maybe about 4 weeks of training…” she answered, “Yeah…”. “Hmm…Is that how much time you need to visit that friend of yours?” he asked. “I TOLD YOU!! SHE’S FROM ANOTHER VILLAGE, IDIOT!!” snapped Sakura grabbing Naruto’s shirt. She let go of Naruto and said, “We can have a grown up to be with us…” she sighed, Naruto stood up and smiled at her saying, “We can ask Sir Kakashi!!” Sakura sighed, “I asked him….but he’s too busy…” Naruto sat back down and said, “Jiraiya?? Tsunade??” Sakura stood up and said, “The two of them are also too busy…we can ask somebody we know…” Naruto looked at her and asked, “Who?” “If every grown-up in this village are too busy…we’ll just get somebody who acts and thinks like one!!”
Sakura and Naruto stopped in front of a door of the Nara residence. Naruto smiled and said, “Oh! Shikamaru!! Great choice Sakura!! You’re really smart!” Sakura knocked at the door and waited for it to be answered by somebody in the house. They heard a voice saying, “Okay…wait…I’ll be there…” it sounded like their good friend, “Shikamaru… would you do us a favor?” The young chuunin looked at them and yawned, “What kind?” Naruto immediately answered, “To come with me and Sakura to visit her friend…” Sakura added, “To another village…Do you mind?” Shikamaru scratched his head and said, “Well, Why did you choose me?” Sakura answered, “Everybody is too busy to accompany us to my friend…And you are the only one who acts and thinks like-“but before Sakura can continue, Shikamaru snapped, “a Grown-up…Fine…I’ll go…When would we leave?” Sakura answered with a smile, “Tomorrow…and we’ll be there for 4 weeks…Is it okay?” Shikamaru nodded and asked, “Only the three of us?” Sakura shook her head and answered, “I guess so…” Shikamaru scratched his head, “Okay…what time?” She answered with great joy, “About 7 in the morning…we’ll meet at the gates…” Shikamaru nodded and said, “Well, I guess see you tomorrow…” Shikamaru looked at the two who were walking out of his sight before he closed the door. He went in his room and said to himself, “Another troublesome day tomorrow…”
Tomorrow came and they exactly met each other at the gates. Sakura smiled at them both and said, “I’ll lead the way…uhmm…Shikamaru…Do you know any shortcuts to the Hidden Waterfall?” Shikamaru looked down and recalled his thoughts… then answered, “Follow me…” He leaded the way through the forest and across a river that was flowing gently and crystal clear by itself. After a few hours, Shikamaru stopped and said, “Here we are…the Hidden Waterfall…” Sakura smiled and said, “Follow me to my friends house…she’s been ex-“. “SAKURA!! IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!” a voice that was smooth and sweet filled the air when a girl ran and hugged Sakura tight. Her long, pony tailed, black hair was following her every move. Sakura laughed and said, “How are you Sachiko?” She freed Sakura from her hug and held her hands saying, “I’m fine…You?” she smiled and answered, “I’m good…Oh! And here are my friends…Sachiko this is Naruto and Shikamaru…” Sakura pointed to each boy while saying their name. Sachiko faced them, her eyes that are round and colored brown looked at them, and “Nice to meet you…I’m Heike Sachiko…” she bowed and smiled at them. She faced Sakura and said, “Come on…Let’s have lunch…”
Sachiko guided them through the village and stopping in front of a door that was an entrance to a very large house that was equivalent to five to seven apartments connected to each other. Naruto’s mouth fell open, “You live here?!” Sachiko nodded and said, “Alone…My parents are away…and I don’t have relatives living here in Hidden Waterfall…” Naruto frowned and said, “I’m sorry…” She smiled at him and said, “It’s okay…Now, Let’s go inside.” Sachiko opened the door. Inside, it was huge! Naruto and Shikamaru’s eyes were wide open and their mouths open. “Now…There are 4 bedrooms upstairs…You can have solo rooms if you want…” Sakura shook her head and said, “Can I just be in your room and the two boys in the other one?” Shikamaru and Naruto looked at each other. “Well, okay! Your room, boys, would be just about three steps to the right of ours… okay?” Both of them nodded. “Now…you can now relax and I’ll go make lunch…” she said going to the kitchen. Sakura grabbed her hand and said, “I’ll help you…” Sakura went into the kitchen and left the boys standing there. Naruto asked, “Are we-“But before he could continue Shikamaru said, “We’ll go up now…” They went up with their luggage and looked for their room. Shikamaru was just walking and stopped in front of a door and opened it. Inside, there were two beds and there was a bathroom. Shikamaru laid his stuffs on the bed that was beside the window and lay down. Naruto sat on the other bed and said, “Wow…This place is so huge!” Shikamaru answered, “Yeah, I know…but too bad Sachiko would be alone in this huge place…” Naruto sighed, “She’s lucky…”
After a few minutes, somebody knocked at the door of their room and they heard Sakura’s voice saying, “Go down and we’ll have lunch…” Shikamaru stood up and stretched, Naruto stood up and opened the door and waiting for Shikamaru. They went out of the room and went downstairs. The aroma of the food reached the two boy’s nose and they both said, “Mmm…delicious…” When they reached the dining area, Sakura and Sachiko were laughing. They stopped laughing and Sachiko smiled at the two and said, “Go…eat…” Shikamaru and Naruto sat down and started to fill their mouths with the food in front of them. While the two boys were eating, Sakura asked, “If you are alone here…You are taking care of this place too?” Sachiko looked at her and said, “Yeah, I cook, clean, organize and keeping this house safe and clean…I can handle it even if I’m alone.” Sakura sighed, “What? You mean you do all the work in here? How about the missions you attend?” Sachiko nodded and said, “Well, when I have a mission, I would make a technique that covers the whole house to keep burglars or anybody out…Security in short…” Shikamaru gulped and asked, “Where did your parents go?” she looked down at her food and said, “They are…well…out of the village…” Shikamaru stopped eating and said, “Sorry….” He managed to see the face of Sachiko growing depressed. Sachiko smiled at him and said, “Its okay…I know how to take care of myself…” they eat their lunch and they finished everything. Sachiko started to clean up and Sakura helped her. When they were done, Sakura went up to fix her things and Naruto went out to take a walk. Shikamaru was sitting in the living room and was thinking of confusing stuffs. He stood up and said to him self, “I’ll go to the backyard…fresh air…” He walked his way to the glass sliding doors and opened it. His hands deep down his pockets. He looked out and saw Sachiko sitting beside the tree of the blooming cherry blossoms. He saw that she was reading a book. He went closer and said, “Hi…” she looked at him and said, “I didn’t expect seeing you here…” he looked at her and said, “Me either…” she giggled and said, “Your funny…” he looked up and said, “Not really…It’s just your head that makes me sound funny…” she giggled and gestured, “Here…take a seat…” he sat down and looked at the clouds. It was silent until, “So…I guess you’re a chuunin…” he looked at her and asked, “Why do you think so? And I guess you’re a genin…” she faced him and answered, “Because you have your chuunin jacket…and No, I’m not a genin…I’m already a jounin…” his mouth fell, “WHAT? A JOUNIN?! How old are you?” she answered, “13… just like you…” his mouth closed then he sat straight. She continued reading and it fell silent again. Sachiko broke the silence when she asked, “You like the clouds too?” Shikamaru looked at her and nodded, “Why? Do you like it too?” she nodded saying, “That is always my past time…and my hobby I guess…” Shikamaru looked up again and said, “Me too…” silence. When the sky went dark, both of them stood up at the same time and said at the same time, “I guess it will rain…” They looked at each other with eyes confused and shocked. Shikamaru looked up and said, “Better going in rather than getting wet outside…come on…” Sachiko nodded and followed.
Entry @ 6:24 AM;
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Entry @ 6:19 AM;
4. An Unsuspected Visitor
After eating, all of them decided to go to sleep. When the bonfire went dead, all of them where already in their deep slumber. It was a beautiful and windy night. Naruto with the other boys in the tent where all snoring and exhausted. In the middle of the night, Naruto awoke. He scratched his head. He yawned then he heard a crawling sound outside. He wiped his face and got dressed up. The air outside was cold yet relaxing to feel. Naruto peaked through a small opening of the tent. He saw nothing. He decided to go out and find what made that sound. He sneaked out and started to look around. After an hour or so of looking around, Naruto decided to go back to the tent and go back to sleep. He entered the tent. He saw the others all around the tent, snoring, when he saw this he didn't bothered to go back to sleep. He went out. He went close to the river that was in front of their camping ground and laid down on the grass. He closed his eyes, then he heard the sound again. He sat up and looked around, 'Is anybody there?' he asked. Nobody answered, he laid down again and told himself, 'That's just animals here...' He closed his eyes again, then he heard it again...and again...and again...and it is getting closer...closer...closer. Naruto got a kunai, stood up and looked around. It was silent, he walked slowly forward. He was about to look back when somebody tackled him. His back hit the ground and it hurts. He tried to kick out but he can't. The person got a kunai and stabbed Naruto. there was blood all over but it was only a Kagebunshin. Naruto ran to the person and tackled him down. He got a kunai and raised it. He was about to stab it when the head gear that it was wearing was taken off by the rush of strong wind. Naruto's eyes widened. He was confused, shocked, tired at the same time. The site was really shocking. He stood up. The one he tackled sat up. The person's yellow hair gracefully flowed from it's head to it's mid-back. Naruto was frozen, he can't believe what he was seeing. There was silence then a gentle breeze passed through Naruto and the person. Naruto gulped and tried to say something but no words came out. The person stood up with his head down. Naruto looked at him. The person just stood there. Naruto got so irritated with no reason and shouted, 'WHAT THE HELL?!' The person said, 'Don't be to noisy, idiot...You'll wake them up!' the person raised it's head. Naruto's mouth fell open. He cannot believe what he was seeing...It's so impossible to happen.
The person's hair flowed down it's shoulders with the shade of yellow just like Naruto's, it's height was just like him, It raised it's head to reveal it's whole face. it was not a boy...a GIRL. Naruto's eyes widened and his heart beated rapidly. The girl's complexion was fairer than his and to his full shock... her eyes were also blue like his. Naruto stared at the girl for a moment then shouted, 'PINCH ME I MUST BE DREAMING!' the girl approached him and pinched him. 'Okay...I'M NOT DREAMING!' He rubbed his eyes and shouted, 'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?! FIRST, I HATE GIRLS AND I DON'T WANT TO RESCUE ONE WHEN I'M IN A MISSION AND NOW! I CAN SEE A GIRL THAT LOOKS LIKE ME?!' he took a deep breath and was about to shout again when Shikamaru pushed him and exclaimed, 'SHUT UP WILL YOU?! WERE SLEEPING!! AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!' Naruto stood up and said, 'Help me Shikamaru...Your a genius right?!' Shikamaru rubbed hi eyes and looked around, 'What's wrong any-' Shikamaru broke when he saw the girl. His mouth fell open, he looked at the girl and Naruto and found out that they looked alike. He rubbed his eyes and asked Naruto, 'Is that-?' Naruto nodded. 'And she-??' he nodded again. 'HELL NO!! YOU CAN'T HAVE A TWIN!!' Naruto grabbed Shikamaru and exclaimed, 'WHAT?! A TWIN?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW MY PARENTS AND-' but before he could continue shouting in front of Shikamaru's face, the girl spoke, 'I don't know my real parents either... ' the two boys stopped and looked at the girl. She was crying. Naruto walked towards her and said, 'If you are some sort of genjutsu that somebody is using to us..YOUR IN TROUBLE!! WHOEVER WHOSE DOING THIS TECHNI-' Shikamaru hit Naruto's head and pointed at the girl. She was now shivering, crying and miserable. Shikamaru grabbed Naruto and whispered, '
IF YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO MAKE HER FEEL MORE MISERABLE... BETTER GO AWAY!' Naruto stred at the girl and slowly walked towards her. She was just standing on a certain place and crying continously. As soon as he can touch the girl's shoulder, Naruto leaned towards the girl and whispered, 'If you want to... You can stay with me...' He felt the girl's tears falling down her cheeks. He was about to look at the girl when she grabbed him and hugged him tight saying, 'Ofcourse I will!'
Entry @ 11:27 PM;
Friday, June 09, 2006
3. The Unbelievable Things (part 2)

Himito successfully passed 12 poisonous traps that were in the passage way he's in. When he reached the end of the passage way, He saw a very beautiful and calming waterfall. His mind was bothered but he didn't cared, the beauty is uplifting and distracting. He was looking and was hypnotized by the waterfalls that he didn't manage to avoid the poisoned senbons that hit him. He was hit on the left side and also at the back. He laid flat on the ground, the poison was now spreading throughout his body. A figure of a female Ame ninja came visible in front of him. 'A ninja from Konoha...Weakling!' then she laughed. Himito tried to get up but the poison prevented him from moving. The Ame ninja stepped on his stomach and said, 'I'm NOT having fun AT ALL!!' she got a long sword that was on her back that is inserted in a ribbon around her waist. She raised the sword and pierced it in the chest of Himito. She frowned, then somebody suddenly stood behind her and had a kunai about to slash her throat. The figure spoke, 'Not fun eh?' it was Himito. The Himito that she killed was just a kuwarimi. He smiled and said, 'What are you going to do now?' She smiled and said, 'You're still the same Hyuuga Hinimato...the last time we met was a long time ago...' he sighed and said, 'It doesn't matter... Ichinako Denami... You're still good in poisonous stuffs... you haven't changed a bit!' She frowned and shouted, 'A BIT?! WHAT THE HELL HINIMATO?? AFTER ALL THESE YEARS??' He sighed and said to himself, 'Even that "attractive-to-me" thing??' She held her sword tighter and exclaimed, 'YOUR GOING TO PAY!' Himito backed up and said, 'Are you still...?' but she charged towards him and tried to injure him but, he carelessly and calmly avoided the attacks successfully. When she was about to slash him for the last time, he grabbed the edge of the sword and said, 'You haven't change A BIT! You are still WEAK!!' when she heard this words, tears fell down her eyes and she started to cry out, 'YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED A BIT ON HOW YOU FEEL FOR ME!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS?? HOW COULD YOU?? I GUESS YOU HAVE A FAMILY ALREADY!!!' then she cried like a baby in front of him. Himito sighed and said, 'Stop crying...' then he removed the sword from her hand and continued, '...you'll grow ugly if you do that...' she raised her head. Denami's eyes were red already from the tears she shed. Himito reached for his handkerchief in his pocket and handed it to Denami and said, 'Dry your tears... It's wierd to see your enemy crying in front of you like a baby-' she glared at him 'I mean- crying...So dry your tears and let's get this battle on...' he smiled at her. Denami immediately wiped her tears and stood up.
Naruto and Kiba were silent throughout their walk through the passage way. They didn't see or activated any kind of trap. Naruto looked at Kiba who was still sniffing and asked, 'How easy would this get?' then Kiba said, 'You know Naruto... We can- WAIT!' Naruto jumped and asked, 'What is it?' Kiba answered, 'Shhh...we are close...and there's an enemy at the end of this passage way... be care-' but before he could continue Naruto rushed to the end of the passage way. Kiba followed Naruto. they reached the end. It was quiet and deserted. Naruto frowned and said to Kiba, 'I thought-?' but Kiba tackled him to drop and said, 'Here they are!' Naruto smiled. Shikamaru and Shino were having a hard time to go through the way because it has a small opening. Shikamaru tripped and landed on top of Shino, 'It's -oof!- so hard-to get-through!' Shino pushed him and said, 'A little bit more Shikamaru...' and they continued walking. After a few minutes, 'AH! At last!' Shikamaru took a deep breath. Shino patted off the dirt that was in his shirt and said, 'Look...It's Naruto and Kiba...' Shikamaru looked at the direction where Shino pointed. 'Yeah! Hey! Naruto! Ki-' Shino covered Shikamaru's mouth and dragged him out of sight from Naruto and Kiba. Shino released his hand and said, 'Shut up would you?!' Shikamaru fell silent and said, 'Fine..Bug boy!' Shino grabbed Shikamaru's shirt and said, 'Look... If you continued shouting at them...you should've got killed!' Shikamaru took a deep breath and said, 'Thanks bug boy- I mean Shino...' Shino made hand seals and made a technique with his bugs. Shino grabbed Shikamaru's shirt,again, and said, 'We'll help them!'
Naruto got angry and shouted, 'THAT IS NOT FAIR!' Kiba also shouted, 'YEAH! AND IT WASN'T RIGHT THAT YOU WOULD DO THAT!' Shino and Shikamaru crept towards them. Naruto and Kiba exclaimed together, 'YOU SUCK!' then they stood up. Shino ommediately made his bugs to look like a big wave and he shouted, 'NINPOU-' Naruto and Kiba shouted and said together, 'STOP SHINO!!' Shino froze also Shikamaru. Shikamaru approached them and asked, 'We are here to help you!' Naruto grinned and said, 'We don't need help!' Kiba nodded and glared. Shino looked at them and said, 'What's wrong with you two??' Kiba walked towards them and said, 'We can take care of this...Don't worry!' then he went back. Shino and Shikamaru shared confused glances and said to each other, 'Are they okay?' then they sighed. Shino and Shikamaru heard Naruto shout, 'NOOOOO!!' they jumped. Then they heard Kiba shrieked, 'AAHHHH!!' then they were really filled with Naruto and Kiba's shouts and shrieks, they approached them and asked together, 'WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??' Naruto smiled at them and said, 'Well...we lost...this sucks...she's really good!' Kiba nodded and said, 'Oh yeah! Shikamaru, Shino...this is Ichinako Kanami' then he pointed to a girl that was standing 1 metre away from them. She started to walk. When she was nearer, She waved her long black hair and said, 'Hi, Boys... Have you come to play?' then Shino and Shikamaru shared confused and wierd glances. Naruto said, 'She's the one who we need to rescue... She's a really good
staring player! GOSH we lost!' Shikamaru looked confused, 'Sta-Staring?? WHAT THE HELL!!' then Shino sighed and said, 'Good thing you saw her...we just need-' but before he could continue, Himito shouted, 'GUYS!! GOOD JOB!' then he walked towards them, 'I want you to meet my friend Ichinako Denami...' when he was nearer, the guys could see that he was not alone. A woman was by his side. When Himito was in front of them, 'Good! This is her younger sister...Kanami...' then he laughed. Naruto and Kiba laughed too. Only Shikamaru and Shino didn't laugh. They were all laughing except Shikamaru and Shino who were looking confused and now pissed-off. After a minute, Himito wiped his sweat and said, 'We'll go now...' naruto and Kiba smiled and Shino and Shikamaru are still pissed-off.
Along the way, Naruto and Kiba together with Kanami were still laughing. Himito and Denami were talking about something that they can't understand. Shino and Shikamaru were just silent. About an hour or so, It was getting dark. Himito told them that they would camp out tonight. Naruto frowned and said, 'CAMPING? I DON'T LIKE CAMPING!' Himito smiled and said, 'It's okay...it's just overnight!' They set up camp. Shino and Shikamaru were sitting by a tree and were talking. Naruto and Kiba went to them and said, 'Hey! You guys don't know who Kanami is...so... You 4 go talk...' Kanami smiled at them and said, 'I'm sorry that I didn't explained it well...' now Shikamaru and Shino are really confused, 'What?' Shikamaru asked. 'Well, I should've told you that me and my sister were just going for a trip out of our house...We planned this and we didn't knew that our stepfather would be so worried...We thought he would not even bother a single bit!' then Shino asked, 'Is your stepfather a landlord?' she nodded. 'So...that means...you don't like him?' Shikamaru asked. She nodded. After a few minutes, They were eating dinner and were now laughing and talking.
Entry @ 12:35 AM;
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
3. The Unbelievable Things (part 1)
Naruto got dressed and went to meet Shikamaru, Kiba and Shino. They were called by Master Tsunade to have a mission. He happily walked towards the building where Master Tsunade's office is located. He waved to Shikamaru, Kiba and Shino as he walked towards them. 'Hiya!ready for our mission??' He asked as soon as the boys were in front of him. 'Ready...DUH!' Kiba replied with a sharp tone. Naruto just grinned and smiled again and went inside, the guys followed. When they reached the door of the office of the Hokage. They saw two jounins standing at each side of the door. Naruto was confused. He asked, 'Why are you two here?' the jounins just smiled. The one in the right replied, 'We'll leave as soon as their done talking... Don't worry...' The door opened. A land lord went out from the office. the land lord looked angry and sad. The two jounins followed him. Naruto scratched his head and said, 'What was that?' Shikamaru grabbed Naruto's sleeve and pulled him inside. Master Tsunade was sitting on her chair with a "not-that-fine-mood" face of hers. The boys bothered not to talk or make any noise. They were afraid that she would explode sometime when they make that much noise. Naruto placed his hands behind his head and said, 'What is the mission?' Master Tsunade reached for a file and handed it to a jounin, that has white eyes like Neji and Hinata's, next to her. She waved her hand like making them to go out now. The jounin smiled at them and whispered, 'Follow me...' Shikamaru, Kiba and Shino followed immediately but Naruto stayed. He was about to shout when Shikamaru covered his mouth and dragged him out of the office.
Outside, the jounin introduced himself to them, 'I'm Hyuuga Hinimato...or you can just call me Hinito...that's my nickname...' and he smiled at them. 'Well anyway...' he continued, 'Our mission for this day would be a retrieval...I guess you did retrieval at the last mission you've made...am I right?' Shikamaru and Naruto nodded. '...with different teammates...I guess...' Kiba and Shino nodded. 'The person that we will be retrieving would be the daughter-' but before he could finish what he was saying Naruto exclaimed, 'WHAT?! ANOTHER GIRL??' Hinito looked at hm and asked, 'Why?? You don't like it?' Naruto folded his arms and said, 'OFCOURSE NOT!' Hinito made a little laugh and said, 'Then why are you shouting like that?It's like you have a trauma about girls or something...' Naruto fell silent and said, 'Continue...I'm sorry...' Hinito looked at him and smiled saying, 'Trauma...hmmm...Anyway... The location of the girl is said to be in a cave that is about 35 degrees north in the Hidden Rain Village... but it is not definite...' Naruto suprisingly said, 'Not DEFINITE?? what do you call those measurements and stuffs??' Hinito looked at him and answered, 'That was just the reported location...we don't really know where..okay??' Naruto nodded. Hinito sighed and continued, '...So we really need to investigate...' He stood up and said, 'Now...gather everything you need and we will meet 25 minutes after at the vilage's gates...Okay?' They all nodded and was out to get their things.
At exactly as 25 minutes after, they were at the village's gates. Hinito told them the plan, 'As soon as we reach the border of the Hidden Rain Village from Konoha...We need to start concentrating on the situation..Do you get it?' everybody nodded. He took a deep breath and said, 'Let's go!' With no second to waste they were on their way to the Hidden Rain. They were gathering speed. Jumping from branch to branch. 'Hey! Naruto!' shouted Kiba from behind. 'What??' Naruto answered. Kiba appeared next to Naruto and asked him, 'A girl, Naruto...What do you think she would look like?' Naruto shrugged and answered, 'I don't care...The only thing I want to finish now is this mission...KIBA!' and he gathered speed to leave Kiba far behind. Their adventure continues.
They reached Hidden Rain and they immediately investigated. After a few minutes all of them went back to Hinito and reported what they saw. 'Very good...Now...I also investigated the location of the girl...The place is right here....' he pointed on a map that was laid infront. '...in your reports I could see that they really want this girl...But for what? that's what we need to find out...' he stood up and got the map. 'We can do this!! Let's go!' the others stood up and followed Hitino through the woods. When they reached the exact location, Himito told them that they would split in going in. Naruto with Kiba, Shikamaru with Shino. Himito is alone and the first one to enter. They made the finel arrangements in their approach and started their mission. Himito entered and immediately made a technique, he took out a scroll and wrote something in it with his blood and made hand seals, then a rodent-like animal appeared on his hand. He smiled back at them and said, 'For more information...Just ask me later...' then he made the rodent to go further and waited for it to come back. He was counting. '1...2...3...4...5...' he whispered under his breath. '...10...' then the rodent came at exactly after he took a deep breth after saying the last number. He made the rodent to climb up on his shoulder and waved to Naruto and Kiba, the signal, for them to go in now. Naruto walked carefully in while Kiba started to smell stuffs with his all-powerful nose. When both of them felt that everything was fine, they waved to Shikamaru and Shino. They followed Naruto and Kiba. Shino started to release his bugs everywhere to seek for information where the girl is in that cave. All of them went deeper through the cave then, 3 weird-looking pasasage ways appeared in front of them. Hinito activated his byakugan and searched for the best passage way to take. He shook his head and said, 'I'll go to this right one...Naruto and Kiba...center...Shikamaru and Shino... left...' all of them nodded then they went through the designated passage ways assigned to them.
Entry @ 3:02 AM;
Sunday, June 04, 2006
2. A Wierd Dream
Sir Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura Neji and Shikamaru with Hisa reached Konoha. They went to the office of Master Tsunade. They entered, 'Master Tsunade...Excuse us, but we brought the ninja who was held by the criminals in the Hidden Waterfall Village...' Sir Kakashi explained. 'Very well Kakashi...You may go now...Thank you...' Master Tsunade replied with a small smile. They left Hisa in Master Tsunade's office. Neji went home, Sakura went to the medical ninjas meeting and Naruto decided to go with Shikamaru for a nice bowl of ramen. Along the way they met Hinata. Naruto saw her and waved at her. Hinata immediately avoided his look and walked faster. Naruto scratched his head and said, 'See what I mean!' Shikamaru just looked up and refrained from answering Naruto. They reached the stand, they took their seat, they saw Shino and Kiba. Naruto looked at them with a dim face and ignored them. Shikamaru smiled at them and said, 'Don't worry about Naruto...He's off mood right now...' Shino looked back to his ramen. Kiba grinned and asked, 'Why? Did he failed to follow ANYTHING that Sir Kakashi told him to?' Naruto heard this and immediately glared at Kiba and shouted, 'NO! I FOLLOWED EVERYTHING!!' and went back to eat the newly served ramen in front of him. Shikamaru shrugged and asked Kiba, 'you have a sister...right?' Kiba nodded while slurping his ramen and poutting it down. 'Why?' he asked after finishing his ramen. Shikamaru looked at Naruto and said, 'SEE?' Naruto just shrugged. Shikamaru looked at Kiba and asked, 'Is your sister bothering you, Kiba?' Kiba looked shocked and answered, 'Not at all...You see... As a veterinarian, my sister, would always be there to help Akamaru whenever he's sick or something...' Shikamaru looked back at Naruto and said, 'Speaking of Akamaru...' he looked back at Kiba and continued, '...Where is he?' Kiba looked down and smiled, 'He's with my sis right now...He's having his check-up and I think his illness went worst...But I don't need to worry...He's with my sister...' Naruto shrugged again and said, 'BIG DEAL! I don't even have a sister, SHIKAMARU!' Shikamaru looked at him and explained, 'I just wanted to let you know that some girls are that WIERD! NARUTO!' Kiba and Shino looked at Naruto and asked at the same time, 'Girls??' Naruto glared at all of them and shouted, 'FINE! YOU ARE ALL AGAINST ME!!' Shikamaru laughed and said, 'We are not AGAINST you... we just want to tell you that girls can be important...Sometimes...' Naruto laughed and said, 'Okay...Now I know! Let's just eat...' After they eat, Kiba and Shino left for their training for the day while Naruto and Shikamaru decided to go home. Naruto reached his apartment and lay on his bed. 'I am so tired!' he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Naruto woke up and found himself on the floor beside his bed in his apartment. He scratched his head and got dressed up. He decided to have a walk around the village for a short time. He stopped when he heard somebody calling for help. He rushed to the place where the shout was. When he reached the place he shouted, 'DON'T WORRY I'M-' but before he could continue what he was about to say, somebody already saved the woman. Naruto's mouth open when he saw the figure with an ANBU mask. Naruto immediately left the scene and continued his walk. He was embarrased from what he did...shouting...while he didn't do anything. He sighed and saw Sakura talking to a person who was in the same ANBU mask he saw who rescued the woman. He rushed to Sakura, 'HEY! Sakura! Who's your new friend?' he stopped beside Sakura who was smiling. Sakura looked at Naruto and said, 'This is...' but before she could continue the Anbu removed it's mask and it's long yellow hair, just like Naruto's, flowed down on her shoulder
s. The anbu was a SHE. Naruto's eyes opened wide when the girl opened her eyes. Her eyes was a little bit chinky but it's color is the same as Naruto's blue ones. She smiled at him and said, 'I'm Uzumaki Nakumi...Nice to meet you...' Naruto's heart thumped harder and faster... He got confused and laughed and asked, 'Uzumaki??' she nodded and asked, 'What's wrong?' Naruto heard her right...she's an Uzumaki like him! Naruto can't believe what he's seeing and hearing.
Naruto woke up when he dropped on the floor. He scratched his head and said, 'It was just...a dream! It isn't true!' and he laughed.
Entry @ 11:32 PM;
Friday, June 02, 2006
1. Girls...How troublesome...

It was a beautiful and sunny day at Konoha. Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji and Sakura were in a mission with Sir Kakashi. They were going to the Hidden Waterfall Village to rescue a ninja from the certain criminals in the village. They were running and jumping from branch to branch to reach the village and do a quick retrieval of the ninja. When they reached the village, 'Neji...We need to search for the hideout...' commanded Sir Kakashi, 'Yes, sir!' Neji nodded. Neji perfomed a hand seal and shouted, 'BYAKUGAN' after a minute Neji reported, 'Sir, I could see a suspicious place 34 degrees west from here... and it is covered with suspicious seals...' 'Very well...Now we need to go nearer and investigate...' everybody nodded. All of them positioned around the place and started to observe. Minutes passed, All of them returned to Sir Kakashi and reported. Naruto goes first, 'I saw alot of explosions... everywhere!' Sir Kakashi nodded. Sakura is next, 'I think this place is guarded with 20 or more ninjas all around...' Sir Kakashi nodded. Neji's next, 'I saw alot of traps within the territory...inside and outside...' Sir Kakashi nodded. Shikamaru's next, 'All the entrances are closed and covered with seals that, I'm afraid, are the complicated ones...' Sir Kakashi stood up and said, 'Now...Naruto, Neji and Sakura would be together while, Me and Shikamaru are together okay? We need to retrieve this ninja! I need all of you to put on these radios... Go team!' Sir Kakashi reached his bag and handed each one a radio... raised his hand and they were on their way to rescuing this ninja.
After a few minutes, Sir Kakashi recieved a message from Neji, '*tshhk* Neji to Sir Kakashi...We are inside now... and we are on our way to find the room where the ninja is located...' Kakashi nodded and replied, '*tshhk* Kakashi to Neji... Good...Now be careful not to activate the traps...' All of them continued what they were doing. Outside, Shikamaru and Sir Kakashi was on a fight with the guards. Sir Kakashi didn't bother to use his sharingan, he was told not to use it for now, he perforemed hand seals and attacked the enemies. Shikamaru did the same thing, performed techniques and attacking them. After their fight, '*tshhk* Shikamaru to Naruto... Were are you now?' Naruto replied, 'We are having- *crash* a fight in- AWWW!!* here!' then the radio went rainy and stopped. Shikamaru told Sir Kakashi and they followed. Inside, Neji was unconcious and Sakura was healing him. Naruto ,with his Kagebunshin, were going to use the rasengan on the enemy. The kagebunshin faded and Naruto started to run towards the enemy. When he was near the enemy, he shouted, 'RASENGAN!' and hit the enemy on the stomach. The enemy spitted blood and flew back and hit the wall behind him hard. Naruto gasp for air and looked at the Sir Kakashi and Shikamaru who was rushing towards them. He walked towards Sakura and Neji and said, 'Woah! That was wicked!' Sakura smiled at him and continued what she was doing. Sir Kakashi and Shikamaru grabbed Naruto and they rushed to the door that was infront of them. They entered. Inside, they saw a figure of a person sitting down on a chair and was roped. They were about to approach the figure when an enemy appeared in front of them. 'I'll be taking care of this...Shikamaru! Naruto! GET HER!' Sir Kakashi commanded. Shikamaru and Naruto shared confused faces. They looked back at the figure and rushed towards it. When they reached the place where the ninja was roped, they hurried to entangle the ninja. When it was done, Sir Kakashi already defeated the enemy and was walking towards them. Shikamaru and Naruto carried the body and went out. Sakur aand Neji were waiting outside and was waiting for them. When they reached Sakura and Neji, she gestured to put down the body infront of her. She started to look at the body and asked, 'Sir Kakashi...A girl?' Sir Kakashi nodded and said, 'That's why I got you... you are a medical ninja and you are a girl like her...' he winked and Sakura nodded. She was about to unwrap the girl's outfit when she slapped Shikamaru, Neji and Naruto at the same time. Naruto exclaimed, 'WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!' Sakura raised her palm and said, 'Do you want this? no? Then Leave!' Neji and Shikamaru stood up and walked away. Naruto remained and was glaring at Sakura, 'THAT HURTS! WHAT'S WRONG ABOUT LOOKING AT HER?' Sakura stood up and shouted, 'PERVERT BASTARD! I'M TRYING TO DO MY WORK HERE!! I'M GOING TO UNWRAP HER, IDIOT!NOW GO AWAY!!' Naruto walked away and joined the others. Sir Kakashi, Neji and Shikamaru were eating their snacks when Naruto came. 'So...How was the punch?' Sir Kakashi joked. 'I wasn't punched!' answered Naruto woth temper and sat beside Shikamaru. 'You should already know that Naruto...' Neji explained. 'What about it?!' Naruto demanded. 'Now Naruto...You know girls...Wierd and hard to understand...deal with it!' Shikamaru said giving Naruto a piece of what they were eating. 'Well! Fine!' Naruto exclaimed and bit a big part of the snack. 'Naruto...What if you had a sister?' asked Neji. When Naruto heard this ,he choked and he grabbed his tea and drank a large amount to push the stuck food in his throat. 'A WHAT?!' Naruto exclaimed. 'A sister...' Neji repeated. Naruto laughed and answered, 'Me? Having a sister?! Now Neji...I don't even know who my parents are!' Neji looked at Naruto and said, 'I said... IF EVER you had a sister...Not if you REALLY have a sister!' he glared at Naruto and drank his tea. Naruto looked at him and said, 'A disaster! I don't even like girls!' Neji looked at him and shook his head. 'Neji...Don't tell us that you LIKE girls?!' Naruto exclaimed. Neji turned red and shouted, 'I DO NOT!' 'YOU'RE BLUSHING!!' exclaimed Naruto. Neji turned redder,he stood up and shouted, 'WHAT'S WRONG IF YOU ARE DATING A GIRL?!' Naruto looked at Neji with a grin, Shikamaru and Sir Kakashi were both looked shocked with their mouths open. Neji sat back and drank his tea. Naruto stood up and exclaimed, 'NEJI HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!' over and over again. Neji covered his head with his hands. Naruto didn't stopped saying these words...over and over agian. 'NEJI HAS A GIRL-' but before he could complete his tease to Neji, he recieved a hard slap on the head...from Sakura. Naruto looked at Sakura and shouted, 'WHAT'S WRONG WITH-' Sakura delivered a punch to Naruto's stomach which made him to hit hard on a tree about 1 meter away from the place. Sakura shouted, 'DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T HEAR WHAT YOU WERE SAYING?! YOU ARE TOTALLY AN IDIOT!' Naruto ran towards Sakura... he was about to punch her but she was carrying a huge boulder and she was about to throw it to Naruto when he exclaimed, 'OKAY OKAY! YOU WON! FINE!' Sakura dropped the boulder and sat down. Naruto sat back down next to Neji who was glaring at him. Sakura waved at her back and she was smiling. 'Don't be shy...Come here...' she gestured behind her like she was calling someone. Naruto looked confused and demanded, 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SAKURA?? CALLING A DOG?' Sakura looked at him with a glare and said, 'SHUT UP, IDIOT!' she looked back. Naruto stood up and shouted, 'WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU SAKURA THERE IS NO---GIRL?!' his mouth fell when he saw a girl standing shyly infront of them. Sakura told the girl to join them in eating. The girl sat down, Naruto sat down. Neji whispered to Naruto as soon as he sat down, 'A girl...You see?!' and he laughed. Naruto just became silent. Sakura looked at Sir Kakashi and said, 'You guys...also you..Idiot...' she looked at Naruto who was not paying attention '...This is Kinichi Hisa, She's a ninja from the earth country that was travelling to look for her brother...unfortunately...she was captured by those criminals and was held for 1 month...' Hisa smiled at them and said, 'Nice to meet you...Thank you for rescuing me...' her voice was dreamy and nice. Shikamaru and Neji was looking at her and were smiling. Naruto remained silent. Sakura introduced Hisa to them, when she reached Naruto she said, 'Oh! and that wierdo over there is Uzumaki Naruto...you wouldn't like him...I'm serious...He is such an idiot!' Hisa giggled. Naruto looked at Sakura and said, 'Fine!' and grabbed his bag and walked away from them. The others didn't mind if Naruto went away.
Naruto sat on a branch of a tree and was looking up. 'What's up with girls anyway?! They are just pain in the ass!' He looked back at the others, they were having fun together with Hisa. Naruto sighed. He started to hear Neji's question repeating over and over again in his head, 'What if you have a sister?' He was bothered by these words and he can't rest. Minutes passed, Sir Kakashi threw a kunai, that landed near Naruto's face. NAruto dropped and he shouted, 'SIR KAKASHI! WHAT THE HELL??' Sir Kakashi said, 'We are going...' NAruto looked at the others his sight stopped at Hisa. Then he demanded, 'SHE is coming?! OH COME ON!!' Sakura slapped Naruto and said, 'What's the problem with you?? You really are an IDIOT!! LET'S GO!' Naruto frowned and followed them until they reached Konoha.
Entry @ 1:49 AM;
NEW STORY!! :- )
Entry @ 11:37 PM;
Thursday, June 01, 2006